Rewarding job transporting clients to physical therapy and doctor appointments. This is non-emergency medical transportation. Boomerang Transport is searching for dependable, friendly, seasoned drivers that can meet these qualifications:
Ability to greet clients with a warm, friendly, and helpful disposition.
Legal State driver’s license and current personal insurance policy
Have a GPS unit and be acquainted with the place.
Smartphone is helpful.
Ability to text often (when car is stopped)
Be able to immediately respond to our team of dispatchers, we try and schedule rides at least 24 hours beforehand.
Must have clean, late model auto, SUV or minivan- pickup trucks will not be allowed and no major modifications allowed.
Above all we need DEPENDABLE, friendly and courteous drivers.
We are a strong charity supporter and will also make a charity donation in your name predicated on miles driven. This is paid by the business and doesn’t come from your earnings.
Make sure you visit us on the web (see compensation) for full info and for an online application.