Congratulations! You are now a Craigslist expert and are ready to start making some $$$. But first, we have to take care of some fine print.
First be sure to keep the following points in mind:
- Some Craigslist locations require payment to post in the jobs section. Please avoid these paid locations and only post in locations that allow free job postings
- Invoice quickly so that we can verify the postings stuck before they might get ghosted
- If a posting gets ghosted then you need to delete it from your Craigslist account. Why? We repost these ads every three days and we don’t want to try and repost ads that have been ghosted
- At the end of 30 days we will try to renew the postings. This might send you an email to renew. If so, please follow the normal process from there. If it sticks, update the spreadsheet and take a screenshot like you always do and you will be paid for it too
- If you are using multiple email accounts be sure to check the email on those accounts from time to time to see if any repost emails have been sent your way
- Rideshare is no longer a valid category to post in. It has been removed from the spreadsheet also.
- ***We have found that posters have much better success when they only post 3 ads to an account (email address). We strongly encourage you to not post more than 3 ads to each account and this will hopefully prevent ghosting for you.
For the next step you will prepare an email to send to that includes the following items listed below. Once this is received and processed, you will receive an email back indicating anything additional we need or (hopefully) that everything was correct and that you are fully approved to complete more postings. *Save a copy of this screenshot as you will not be paid now for this one, but it can be included on your first invoice you send us.* Copy & paste the following into the body of the email to and don’t forget the screenshot-
Email address of Google account (email address) you want us to share the Craigslist Master document with-
Email address for the account of this posting-
Password for the account of this posting-
Initial go live date for this posting-
Title for this posting-
Areas for this posting including state (ex. Orlando, FL)-
Sub- Category for this posting
*Your physical address you want the checks mailed to-
Attach screenshot of your live ad (be sure date bar is showing as well as the areas, category, and sub-category in the top left corner- See First Screenshot bullet point below)-
*Attach W9– Be sure to sign in the signature area that is located in the middle of the page (commonly overlooked, click on hyperlink to obtain form)-
Points to keep in mind:
- * on the bullet points above mean that this is not necessary if you are a driver and have already turned this information in
- First Screenshot. You will need to prove to us that you are able to successfully post on Craigslist and follow our guidelines. Pay close attention to every detail outlined in the videos and take the screenshot. You will not have access to the spreadsheet, so post in the Transport or Medical / Health (Healthcare) sub-section of the area closest to where you live (ex. Orlando FL).
- Address for your checks to be mailed to. Paychecks are scheduled to arrive every other Friday, but if yours is late we cannot start researching until the following Tuesday as it is out of our control and they usually arrive by then anyways. If Tuesday passes and your paycheck isn’t there, please email us at